Friday, April 11, 2008

Early Morning Realizations

It's 3 a.m. (not going to quote Matchbox 20) and I have come to two different realizations: 1. I should be asleep. 2. My sister is a saint.
Obviously #2 is the true realization. My mom went to Urgent Care today because she again got a nose bleed that wouldn't quit. For most people this isn't a big deal but Mom is taking the blood thinner, Coumadin. Her nose will not clot. The hospital did their thing and Mom has what looks like a wad of cotton gauze sticking out of her nostril. Eve (my sister) has been awake all night making sure Mom doesn't do the one thing she really wants to do... Remove the gauze. She's talking to Mom about everything and anything and any time Mom reaches for the gauze, Eve stops her. It is going to be a long night for both of them. I'll be able to eventually sleep knowing that St. Eveline of Clotting is vigilantly keeping watch over Mom.

Update:3:36 a.m.
Eve and Mom just headed back to the hospital. I guess the cotton came out. So much for good sleep tonight.

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